Simple done well.

Our workshops distil athleticism

to its DNA

At the pinnacle of performance is a feeling found nowhere else. It may only last a moment, but it’s been building for a lifetime.

We don’t gate-keep: this feeling is for everyone.

The big secret is there is no secret. There’s just a practice of doing simple things well.

Our Offerings

Our Offerings



We provide you with the tools to build your own moments from the ground up. Our workshop series hone movement patterns and methodologies foundational to elite sport. Drawing from over 40 years’ of lived experience at the pinnacle of performance, we cover what matters, why, and how to bring High Performance principles into your day-to-day routines.

Each series is split into two streams: RETURN and REFINE. Whether you are looking to return to an effective movement habit, or refine your existing practice, InHabit gets you there.